Introducing: Plant Spirit Meditations

Welcome to the Seraphim Botanicals blog!

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My name is Sarah Baldwin. You might know me as the author of The Herbal Healing Deck or maybe even the writer of my former blog, Moonflower Musings. This is my new and improved online abode, and I’m so glad you found me here!

Since this is the first post, it feels right to take a moment to explain my offerings here on the new site. For the first time, I’m making The Herbal Healing Deck available to purchase online directly from me. You can even have it signed, if you’d like!

But the real reason for this post is to share a brand new offering:

Plant Spirit Meditations

Meditation is one of the best ways to connect deeply with plants. It helps us get into a relaxed state, fine-tuning our senses so that we can be more receptive to intuitive experiences. You can think of human consciousness like a radio—meditation helps us dial in our awareness to reach states of consciousness that allow for communication with our beloved plant spirit allies.

Shamanic traditions from all over the world have long used various methods of altering consciousness to reach visionary and intuitive states. In shamanic journeying, a rapid drumbeat is used to reach trance states. It’s a tried-and-true method for connecting with spiritual guides and allies, including botanical beings. Shamanic journeying is something I’ve practiced for years as a way to cultivate meaningful, heartfelt relationships with plant spirits.

It’s amazing what can happen on these journeys! The deep connection with plants is heart-opening in a way that I find inherently healing and comforting. The messages and information gleaned in conversation with plant spirit allies can be eye-opening; the plants really have a knack for showing us our blind spots and helping with personal growth and emotional healing. Engaging with plants in this way is also a method of learning directly from our herbal allies, treating them as respected teachers who can help herbalists and seekers understand more about their medicine on all levels, physical and spiritual.

Guided Meditation

Guided meditations are a bit different from shamanic journeys, which tend to have a set of specific protocols. Whereas journeying uses a drumbeat, intention, and often memorized instructions to reach other realms, guided meditations allow you to simply relax and follow along with the narrative. It’s a bit like listening to an audiobook; you imagine what is being described and see the story unfold in your mind’s eye. In a guided meditation, you become part of the story!

I like to practice guided meditations alongside shamanic journeying and other forms of meditation. Following along with a narrative is a great way to stay focused while still feeling relaxed and open to insights. You don’t have to remember any instructions, and you run less risk of letting your mind drift off toward something else.

On this website, I’m offering guided plant spirit meditations that incorporate visualization designed to help you relax and let go of stress. Getting into a state of relaxation is a healing practice all by itself, and something that is much-needed in our busy lives. These meditations use soothing music with binaural beats to help you reach a relaxed state of theta brainwaves. The theta brainwave frequency (4 – 7 Hz) is associated with intuitive, insightful thinking, deep relaxation, and mental imagery, making it an ideal choice for meditation.

Theta waves are often observed in young children, who have a natural capacity for tapping into deeply imaginative states and connecting with nature spirits. For older children and adults, theta waves are more common during hypnosis, meditation, and hypnagogic states (that liminal space between waking and dreaming where we might have visions or lucid dreams).

Download a FREE Guided Meditation!

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Ready to give it a try? I’m offering a free download of my Dandelion Meditation as a gift to those who sign up for the Seraphim Botanicals newsletter! To claim your free guided meditation, scroll down and enter your email address in the newsletter sign up form.

In this meditation, you'll connect with the spirit of Dandelion to help you manifest your goals! Dandelion is wonderful plant ally for manifestation, bringing power and ease to your intention-setting practice. This 15-minute meditation can be done any time you'd like to practice manifestation with joy!

I’d love to hear about your experiences with this plant spirit meditation—and if you want more, check out my other guided meditation offerings!


Herbal Divination